Educational Grants
Educational Grants


The John Mathews Educational Charity

Grant Application Form


Surname : ___________________________


Forenames  : ____________________________


Date of Birth : ____________________________


Home Address : _______________________________________________________________________________________ 


No of years resident at his address  : ____________________________


Are you on the electoral register for this address : ____________________________


Correspondence address ( If different to above) : ____________________________


Telephone number : ____________________________


Mobile number  : ____________________________


Email Address : ____________________________


Place of Birth : ____________________________


Have you, or a relative, previously applied to the charity for an award? Give full details if Yes  __________________________________




Degrees / diplomas / Academic Qualifications already achieved. Please state university / college and dates awarded. : ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



What is your current / proposed course and university / college of study? : ____________________________


Is your current / proposed course full or part time. If PT how many hours per week and weeks per year? : ________________________


Date of commencement of current / proposed course (month & year) : ____________________________


Date of completion (month & year) : ____________________________


How do you propose to fund your course (ie student loan, parental help, grant etc) ? : ____________________________  



Please specify as fully as possible the costs of your course and any specialised materials or equipment required. Differentiate between expected course fees, materials, books and subsistence costs. : ____________________________


Please provide details of your financial circumstances. : ____________________________  


What level of support are you seeking from the Charity? : ____________________________


Are you receiving, or expecting to receive, funding from other sources? Please specify. : ____________________________


What are your career aspirations after completion of the course.? : ____________________________


How did you hear about the John Mathews Educational Charity? : ____________________________


I confirm that the above information is accurate and fully reflects my current circumstances. I also confirm that I have read the Privacy and Data Protection Policy on the application requirements page, and agree to my data being used as described therein. I also confirm I am enclosing Proof of Residence and a personal letter, as required in the Application Requirements section. If these documents are not seperately received by the Charity, your application WILL NOT be considered. They can be emailed to the address noted on the contact page.








                 ------------------------------        --------------------         -----------------------------

                              Signature                               Date                                Print name


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